Happy BurpDay!!

Okie, .. It's my birthday, in 20 minutes from now. Actually I was not too fond of it coz I had to run away from a lady I stole the cake from which was originally for a person named George who is celebrating his 50th birthday.

Hei , I meant good... It was Originally written, "Happy Birthday George, I am getting myself a younger manwhore this time" .....I just think I am doing something good,...right.. right??

Anyway, I had no celebration since like 15 years now...i remembered the last birthday i had was in my cozy little bed wondering what i would do for next year's birthday....which i am going to do again for tommorow.....which i would do the same thing ...wondering what i am going to do next year in my , again cozy little bed, which i think the cozyness is starting to wear out.

My plans for the day is still not in schedule. probably go get a bite. Probably go somewhere to have fun.....yet....I just think it is better I just sleep my way counting all those lambchops.

Well, to whoever who had a birthday this month too....which i know of some.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO !! and to end this....Here's A little quote :

" A Day which each person realized that getting older is actually not a bad thing to face,
because as we count the years and look back behind us, we realized that the memories and past experience had been perfectly laid to build the person we are now. And also having the privilege to meet so many people and love one's who contribute for us those experience is a life worth living."


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday dude...May u have all d success in life and I hate u 8 d same time coz I wasn't invited 2 join u 2 watch Gwen Stefani's concert... ;p
Sileast Alley said…
hahahahahhahaahha.....u relly crack me up....woohoo....sweet escape...

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